Welcome to the 9th Annual Canadian National Perinatal Research Meeting

The CNPRM began in 2015 after the Western and Eastern perinatal research groups combined their annual research meetings. The two individual groups had each been meeting and growing for over 30 years and upon joining together became home for Canada’s national perinatal research community.

Since the foundational years of the community, the meetings then and now have always had two central missions:

  • to be the premium platform for presenting new and innovative international and national perinatal research, and

  • to be a supportive and nurturing environment for the new and emerging researchers of our community.

As we prepare to host our 9th annual CNPRM, we wish to welcome you in helping us celebrate these commitments. We play host to three world class plenary speakers, and showcase three early career researchers alongside them from our national perinatal community. In addition, our program highlights Canada's best up and coming researchers in individual live presentations, as well as unique interactive poster platforms.

While we may be hosting a virtual CNPRM meeting in 2022, the program promises to be substantial and as rewarding as in previous years and we look forward to welcoming you as presenters and attendees to help with its continued success.

Timothy Regnault, PhD
Co-Chair CNPRM 2022

 Deborah Sloboda
Co-Chair CNPRM 2022