Early Career Researchers

Nominate your favourite ECR to give a talk at CNPRM 2023.

 We’re delighted to announce, that we will continue our initiative of inviting the community to nominate an Early Career Researcher (ECR) with outstanding science, to give an invited lecture at the CNPRM.  This year, the honoured individuals will receive complimentary registration to join us in-person. As we did in 2022, in our scientific program we have set aside three timeslots for ECR invited talks and now ask you to nominate your favourite ECR for one of these opportunities! Please read below for details about conditions and the nomination and review processes.
Conditions: ECRs are individuals that have graduated their higher-level training (PhD, MD Fellowship or equivalent) within the last 10 years.
Nomination must include: 

  1. One-page explanation/nomination of the ECR’s science, innovation and how they have pushed their field forward

    1. Nominations should be from senior researchers (associate or full professor) with an active research program

    2. Please indicate if the ECR has had any significant interruptions in their career

  2. The ECR’s CV – including the date of completion of their higher degree

  3. A recent publication

Deadline for nominations is December 15th, 2022 at 5pm EST. Please send your nomination to CNPRM.info@gmail.com.
Review: Nominations will be reviewed by the CNPRM Organizing Committee and ranked based on the below criteria:

  • Contribution to their field

  • Quality of the work

  • Opportunity (i.e. contribution relative to time from graduating)